Courses are organised in the Pilot Centers.
To organize courses in the Pilot Center, with a multidisciplinary program, left up to the initiative of each team.
These courses (virtual or in person) are intended for participants coming, either from the Pilot Center country, or from any other country of the network.
The number of participants will not be limited, although a very small number is a guarantee of exchanges of particular interest for those who will attend.
The fee will be decided by the Center.
The level of the courses, at Trainee or Fellow level, will be determined by each Pilot Center.
(A particular emphasis will be however given, among all specialties considered in the course, to "the" previously agreed upon area as the one characteristic of the Center.
- The dates of the courses will be posted on a special calendar on the OESO website.
- A document of Certification of Attendance will be provided to the participants in a course organized by a Center on the Platform.
To contribute once a year (virtually or in person), with one or several members of the Pilot Center, to a multidisciplinary OESO – STANFORD Medicine Educational Program organized by:
– OESO in Geneva,
– The Stanford Medicine SEMPIRE in Palo Alto.
- At the end of the Educational Programs held in Geneva or in Stanford, a Certificate will be awarded to those having, prior to one of these main courses, participated in two courses organized in other Centers of the network (See above).
Accreditation will be requested from the EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Eucation). Credits obtained can be converted to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM.