Epigraph to the Articles
Irrevocable Principles
- The name of OESO will not change.
- The multi-disciplinary character of OESO will not change.
- The international character of OESO will not change.
- The commitments of the Officers made by OESO will not be changed.
- Since the dissection of one topic through a cohort of 5 minute answers to questions is an original, distinctive feature of OESO, this format will not change and will remain as the core of the scientific programs of the OESO Conferences.
Article I
- 2.1. Active membership shall be open to physicians, surgeons, scientists, who have a demonstrated, continued interest in gastroenterology, and particularly in esophagology. At the time of the General Assembly, Active members will be in charge of the election of the members of the Board. Active members will be eligible for membership in the Permanent Scientific Committee or participation in a Standing Committee (cf Articles V and VI). Active members shall benefit from a complimentary subscription to the OESO Newsletter (Article VI, 4.4) reduced fees for the OESO Congresses, preferential rates for the OESO books, and priority in all activities available on the inter-university network of the OESO Foundation.
- 2.2. Election of Members.
The application form for membership must be accompanied by a letter describing the candidate's professional qualifications and personal motives. - 2.3. The Membership Committee (cf Article VI, 4.1) shall investigate the qualifications of each candidate and submit a list of those candidates recommended for membership to the Members of the OESO Permanent Scientific Committee for election at the annual Meeting. Active members will be elected by a simple majority of the Members present. The membership of newly elected members shall become effective immediately after their election.
- 2.4 All candidates not recommended for active membership by the Membership Committee shall be withdrawn. However, such action shall not preclude a subsequent application for membership after a one-year interval.
- 2.5 Any candidate for active membership recommended by the Membership Committee, but rejected by the vote of the Permanent Scientific Committee can be proposed again for membership the following year.
Section 3: Honorary Members.
Honorary membership shall be reserved for Active members who have made significant contributions to surgery, gastroenterology, and fundamental sciences, with special interest in esophagology.
Honorary members shall be elected by the Permanent Scientific Committee upon proposal of the President of OESO.
Honorary members shall not be eligible for election or appointment to the Board or to any offices of OESO. However, they may act in consultative capacities to any Officer, or Committee of OESO.
Honorary members shall keep voting privileges.
Section 4: Dues.
Active members – but not Honorary members – shall pay regular dues as recommended by the Board and approved by vote of the General Assembly. The Board may waive dues for individual active members as it sees fit.
Failure to pay dues within two (2) years after billing shall become grounds for suspension or termination of membership by the Board.
Any member dropped from OESO may be reinstated if all arrears are made up.
Section 5: Resignation – Dismissal.
A member may resign at any time by filing a written resignation with the Secretary.
Any member may be disciplined for unprofessional or unethical conduct or violation of the Bylaws by vote of the Board.
Article II
- 1.1 President.
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of OESO and shall perform all duties incidental to that position. He/she shall be the Chairman of the Board.
He/she may execute all instruments requiring the signature of the President and shall be an ex-officio member, with vote, of all Standing Committees.
The President of OESO may authorize any Officer or officers, in the name of and on behalf of OESO, to enter into any contract, execute any instrument, or sign checks, or other order for the payment of money notes or other endeavors of indebtedness.
The President should represent, according to a rotating process, one of the following domains: gastroenterology, surgery, or fundamental sciences.
For the duration of his/her term, the President will benefit from the cooperation of the Past President and of that of the President Elect. - 1.2 President-Elect.
The President-Elect shall, if the President is unable, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President.
The President-Elect should represent a domain different from that of the President.
He/she shall succeed the President.
In the event of the death, resignation, removal from office, or extended disability of the President, the President-Elect shall become President. - 1.3 Vice-President.
The Vice-President, in the absence or incapacity of the President and President-Elect, shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President until such time that the Board provides for election of a President and President-Elect.
The Vice-President should represent a domain different from that of the President and of the President-Elect. He/she shall succeed the President-Elect.
Election of a new Vice-President shall be organized every two (2) years, or in the event of death, resignation, removal from office, or extended disability of the Vice-President. - 1.4 Secretary General.
The Secretary General shall attend all meetings of the Association and write up the ensuing minutes.
He/she shall be the custodian of the records and of the seal of OESO. The Secretary shall have authority to affix the seal to any document requiring it and attest thereto by his or her signature. The Secretary General may propose to the President to appoint an Assistant Secretary with power of signature for regular activities.
The Secretary General shall be by right member, with vote, of all Standing Committees.
In cooperation with the Officers, the Secretary General defines the general direction and the strategy of action of OESO. - 1.5 Treasurer.
The Treasurer is entrusted with the funds of OESO. He/she shall receive and take custody of all securities, funds, and monies belonging to OESO. The Treasurer shall also monitor investment policy, prepare the budget and audited annual accounts to be presented to the Board every year.
The Treasurer shall be by right President of the Finance Committee. - 1.6 Executive Director.
The Executive Director implements the strategy of development of the Organization as defined by the President and the Officers.
He/she calls the meetings of the Board, of the Scientific Direction, of the Permanent Scientific Committee, and of the General Assembly.
He/she is by right member of all Standing Committees.
He/she coordinates the activities of OESO with those of the OESO Foundation. - 1.7 Deputy Executive Director.
He/she is responsible for the running of the Organization in the same capacity as the Executive Director. -
1.8 Governor of the OESO-SEMPIRE Platform
In cooperation with the Officers, the members of the Scientific Direction, and the members of the Permanent Scientific Committee, the Governor is the authority responsible for the activities and development of the Platform. -
1.9 Scientific Director, chair of the Scientific Direction (Section III)
1.10 Communications DirectorHe/she is the safeguard of the image of the Organization.He/she is in charge of the relationship of OESO with other scientific Societies and of themultimedia networking.He/she supervises the visibility of OESO in the GI meetings in the world.He/she contributes to OESO’s expansion by increasing its representation worldwide. (see Article VII).
- 1.11 President of Honor.
Upon proposition of the Board and approval from the Scientific Direction and the Permanent Scientific Committee, the position of President of Honor of OESO can be offered to a prominent personality, who will contribute to the image and expansion of the Organization.
Article III
Section 2: Activities.
The term of office of the members of the Scientific Direction is of two (2) years, renewable 2 times.
Article IV
- 1.1 Members.
The Permanent Scientific Committee shall comprise no more than 90 members.
The first members of the Permanent Scientific Committee shall be named by the Board. - 1.2 Disciplines.
The members of the Permanent Scientific Committee shall be categorized among the following disciplines:
Physiology - biomechanics – Radiology-endosonographie – Endoscopy – Gastroenterology-Motility – Clinical Pharmacology – Biochemistry – Surgery – Endoscopic Surgery – Oto-laryngology – Speech language – Deglutology – Pediatrics – Pathology – Molecular Biology – Immunogenetics-Biotechnology – Oncology – Epidemiology.
The list of disciplines shall remain open to other potential fields.
Section 3: Election.
- a gastroenterologist,
- a surgeon,
- and a specialist in the candidate's field.
Section 4: Vacancies, resignation, and dismissal.
Section 5: Powers
- 5.1 It will be responsible for the election of those candidates recommended for Active or Honorary membership.
- 5.2 It will be in charge of the election of other members of the Permanent Scientific Committee, as stipulated in section 3.
- 5.3 It will approve the nomination of the members of the Scientific Direction, proposed by the Officers.
- 5.4 It will discuss, amend, and endorse any proposal for studies which could be coordinated by OESO.
- 5.5 It will elect the Presidents of the Congresses, as well as the General Secretaries and the members of the Organizing Committees.
- 5.6 It will discuss the theme, wording of questions, topic fora and symposia to make up the program of the OESO Congresses, as proposed by the Congresses Committees.
- 5.7 It will endorse the budget of the Congresses and their funding, as proposed by the Congresses Committees.
- 5.8 It will approve any proposal for cooperation with other scientific Societies.
- 5.9 In short, the Permanent Scientific Committee will see to the fulfillment of the purposes of OESO, as expressed in Article III of the Constitution.
Article V
Section 4: Standing Committees.
- 4.1 Membership and Nominating Committee.
The Chairman of the Membership and Nominating Committee, recommended by the President and appointed by the Board, shall serve for a two (2) year term, renewable 3 times.
The Committee shall review all candidates proposed for membership in OESO and recommend to the Permanent Scientific Committee those candidates who meet all requirements of membership.
The Committee shall also present for election or appointment a slate, Officers, members of the Permanent Scientific Committee or members of a Standing Committee at the annual meeting of the appropriate authorities.
- 4.2 Congresses Committee.
A Congress Committee, appointed by the Board, will be set up for each world congress of OESO.
In cooperation with the Chairpersons of the sessions, the Committee shall select and arrange the questions, topic forums, symposiums and other sessions that make up the program of the biennial OESO Congresses under their specific, original format, to be proposed to the Permanent Scientific Committee and to the members of the Scientific Direction.
In cooperation with the Finance Committee, it shall contribute to the fund raising and to the establishment of the budget of the OESO Congresses.
In accordance with the Officers, the Congress Committee will be able to delegate the organization of a Congress to an appropriate professional Organization.
- 4.3 Finance Committee.
The Chairman of the Finance Committee shall be the Treasurer of OESO (Cf Article III, 1.5).
Its members will be appointed by the Board.
The Finance Committee shall establish and recommend to the Board an annual budget and budget guidelines for OESO and the OESO Congresses.
The Committee shall also monitor and review fiscal performance, the annual audit, contracts, investment policy, and other matters related to the finances of OESO.
The Finance Committee may also make recommendations to the Board concerning any initiatives to be eventually undertaken to fulfill the vocation of OESO.
- 4.4 Research Committee.
The Chairman of the Research Committee, recommended by the President and appointed by the Board, shall serve for a two (2) year term, renewable 3 times.
The Committee shall bring to the consideration of the Permanent Scientific Committee and the Scientific Direction the projects of multidisciplinary studies to be undertaken within OESO, or in cooperation with other Organizations.
It will be in charge of the publication of the OESO Newsletter, designed to keep the Members informed of the latest developments in the various fields of esophagology.
The members of the Committee should represent 3 domains: gastroenterology, surgery, fundamental sciences.
- 4.5 Education and Informatics Committee.
The Chairman of the Education and Informatics Committee, recommended by the President and appointed by the Board, shall serve for a two (2) year term, renewable 3 times.
In cooperation with the Scientific Direction, the Committee shall develop and make proposals for educational programs relating to the disciplines specified in Article V, section 1, within OESO and the OESO Foundation, or in cooperation with other Societies.
In particular, it will be responsible for the contribution of OESO in the inter-university network of the OESO Foundation in all activities designed in this Internet gastroenterology portal.
The Education and Informatics Committee shall also be in charge of the evaluation of the documents submitted by the OESO members for publication on the network of the OESO Foundation.
Article VI
Article VII
Article VIII
When any Officer, or member requires notice, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws, it may be sent by the Secretary General by mail, fax or e-mail to the address appearing on the records of OESO.